Δευτέρα 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Israel-Russia (December 2015)

The recent efforts between Turkey and Israel to normalize their relations, in order for the Israelis to send their natural gas to Turkey through Cyprus, have alarmed Russia and Iran. Turkey imports from Russia 30 out of the 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas she consumes each year, and another 10 from Iran. The rest 10 billion cm are supplied by Qatar, Azerbaijan and Algeria. It is not a secret that Turkey wants to replace the Russian gas, especially now that there is so much tension between the Russians and the Turks. Turkey tried to do so in 2009 with the Qatar-Turkey pipeline which was blocked by Assad in Syria.

The rapprochement between Turkey and Israel interrupted the very good Russian-Israeli relations. Given that the Shiite Muslim organization of Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon gets its weapons from Russia and Iran, it is not surprising that the quietness that existed in the Lebanese-Israeli borders after the war of 2006 seems to be reaching an end (see RT article). Things will only get worse in the Lebanese-Isrsaeli borders if the Turks and the Israelis reach an agreement for the supply of Israeli natural gas to Turkey.

“Missiles fly over Israeli-Lebanese border after killing of Hezbollah commander in Syria”, December 2015

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